Majority of electorate say they based choice in election on Trump's performance, personality; coronavirus is leading issue, followed by economy, then racism, according to AP survey

Voting booths close in key battlegrounds of Florida and Georgia; states across US to end voting at intervals until the last ballot is cast in Alaska at 1 a.m. EST

The two political poles in American life don’t speak to each other, don’t live near each other, and rarely interact

Party has outspent GOP on candidates in all battleground districts where Trump won in 2016, with Republicans playing defense

Aryeh Deri says Biden is 'also a friend of Israel'; TV report says officials in Jerusalem believe Democrat former VP will triumph

Jews oppose president's hardline measures more than most Americans, fueled by their roots as immigrants and perpetual refugees

Despite fears of violence and harassment, there are no significant reports of voter intimidation by midday on Election Day

Many voters fear civil unrest in wake of US elections, with supporters of both Trump and Biden deeply apprehensive about possibility of rival candidate winning

Social media giants add warning labels to claim by US president that mail-in voting will lead to 'rampant' fraud, violence

'We're going home,' says Democratic candidate as he campaigns for battleground state; incumbent president insists US 'entitled to know' winner on Election Day
