Organization says relatives of fallen soldiers, terror victims won't stay out of military cemeteries due to pandemic; urges PM to launch PR campaign to prevent clashes with police

Heather Scott says governor is 'Little Hitler' and 'nonessential workers get put on a train,' equating furloughing staff in pandemic with transporting Jews to concentration camps

Health Ministry encouraged by effects of containment measures, but unnamed officials express concern that decision not based only on infection rates

Instead of traditional nationwide flyby, 4 acrobatic aircraft to perform over hospitals across the country as a sign of solidarity with healthcare workers, army says

Woman who died was a resident of a Yavne'el nursing home, making her that facility's 20th fatality from virus; 150 patients are in serious condition, with 114 on ventilators

Vandalism may have been carried out as early as April 10, with house of worship closed due to coronavirus regulations

Kentaro Iwata says highly unlikely that entire world will eradicate virus in 15 months; UK expert says plan hinges on vaccine, while US academic is more optimistic

Holocaust Memorial Day to move online amid pandemic, as some say restrictions reminiscent of Nazi rules; 'Sure, I'm bored... but it's nothing serious,' says one survivor

Much research, better testing required to know extent of under-the-radar cases; it means more people around us may be infected, but shortens path to supposed herd immunity

But reports say ministry itself is foot-dragging and engaged in 'ego games,' preventing establishment of necessary testing and monitoring system needed to stop fresh outbreak
