By Margie Pensak
The excitement was tangible. It was written on the hundreds of faces – young and old, Chassidishe, Litvish, and secular-looking, alike – of those who came to the triple celebration held at Congregation Arugas Habosem (fondly known as “Rabbi Taub’s shul”).
The fulfillment of a dream that was long in the making, a triple milestone, was finally celebrated on Sunday, September 15: a Chanukas Habayis, the consecration of the new shul building; a Chanukas HaMikveh, the consecration of its new Mikveh; and, a Hachnosos Sefer Torah in memory of Rebbetzin Taub’s parents, the Honiader Rav, R’Avrohom Meir ben R’Yehuda Israel, and Rebbetzin Chava bas R’Meir Halevi Israel, z”l.

A United Torah Judaism activist is refuting unsubstantiated reports that the Gimmel party would join a unity government that includes Blue and White MK Yair Lapid, a noted chareidi hater.
The rep quoted MK Yaakov Litzman, who said immediately following the election that “We demonstrated loyalty to the great rabbis, sanctified God’s name, and we will not compromise on our values,” adding that this stance has not changed, referring to joining Lapid in a coalition.
“We aren’t against a unity government, but it cannot included Lapid,” Litzman had averred. “Unfortunately, this election was filled with incitement and smears against chareidim and religious people.”
UTJ retained its eight seats in this election.

In a stirring display of unity and resolve, over 100 diverse community leaders from Lakewood, Toms River, Jackson, Brick and Howell gathered at the Lakewood Municipal Building yesterday for a Regional Discussion on Stopping the Hate headlined by Elan S. Carr, U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. Special Envoy Carr advises the Secretary of State and is responsible for directing U.S. policies and projects aimed at countering anti-Semitism around the world.
The event was chaired by leading Lakewood community activist Mr. Eli Tabak. It was opened by Lakewood Deputy Mayor Lt. Colonel Menashe Miller USAF and  Lakewood resident Major Raphael Berdugo, USAF, who delivered the invocation.

Mordechai ben David paid a visit to the gadol hador, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, at his Bnei Brak home yesterday. Mordechai met with Rav Chaim at his home on Rechov Rashbam to receive his brocha ahead of Rosh Hashanah and the yemei hadin.
Rav Chaim’s grandson, who serves as his gabbai, explained to Rav Chaim that Mordechai is “mesameiach harbeh anashim” (makes many people happy [through his music]).
Rav Chaim responded with a brocha of “kesivah vachasimah tovah” and then “ah gut yohr” (a good year).

Lomdei Daf Hayomi worldwide are concluding Maseches Kerisos today and will begin Maseches Meilah, the next masechta in Seder Kodshim, tomorrow.
The learners of Daf Yomi are now making their way through the thirteenth cycle of Daf Yomi, following the Twelfth Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi, which took place on August 1, 2012 at MetLife Stadium in Rutherford, New Jersey, with 92,000 people in attendance.
The upcoming Siyum Hashas will take place on January 1, 2020 at Metlife Stadium, as readers have been following on, with our comprehensive coverage leading up to that momentous day.
