By Margie Pensak
The excitement was tangible. It was written on the hundreds of faces – young and old, Chassidishe, Litvish, and secular-looking, alike – of those who came to the triple celebration held at Congregation Arugas Habosem (fondly known as “Rabbi Taub’s shul”).
The fulfillment of a dream that was long in the making, a triple milestone, was finally celebrated on Sunday, September 15: a Chanukas Habayis, the consecration of the new shul building; a Chanukas HaMikveh, the consecration of its new Mikveh; and, a Hachnosos Sefer Torah in memory of Rebbetzin Taub’s parents, the Honiader Rav, R’Avrohom Meir ben R’Yehuda Israel, and Rebbetzin Chava bas R’Meir Halevi Israel, z”l.
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