Young Man is First Family Member in 100 Years to Keep Shavous
By Zevy Friedman

New Bais Medrash-Level Yeshiva in Lakewood to be Led by Rav Yitzchok Schuster
For years now, bochurim have been following up their mesivta years by either moving on to their yeshiva’s bais medrash or by joining any number of bais medrash programs across the tri-state region.
That transition, everyone knows, is a crucial one.
A bochur grows significantly during his formative mesivta years, transforming from a young high schooler into a bonafide ben Torah seeking additional aliyah.

Shendishov: A Spiritual Home for Every Yid! 
It’s Friday night. The Tish of the Rebbe has been going on for many hours. The entire room is elevated to a different realm where the Kedusha of Shabbas permeates throughout and the materialistic world around is but an illusion.
But something is noticeably different here. The tish is an authentic Chasidsh one, but the gathered crowd includes Yidden of all backgrounds; baalei teshuva at their first tish yeshiva boys in their Shabbas attire, chasidim with tall shtreimlach and baalei batim in their suit and ties. This place is special. This is Shendishov, a place where every Yid is at home and the Rebbe’s radiant face illuminates the lives of all.

Thousands of Chassidim in Boyan are expected to attend the the chasuna of the Rebbe’s youngest daughter to Chosson Meir Bornstein, son of the Admor of Sochachav.
Thousands of Hasidim will arrive by bus from around the country to the huge compound, which was built for the occasion in Sdeh Yoav. The women section will be located in three different areas, with the division taking place according to age.
The kabbolas ponim will be held at 5:00, followed by the chuppa at 6:30. After the chuppah, the chassidim will daven Maariv followed by simchas chosson v’kallah.
