If you listen closely, you can hear the anticipation in the air.
The march towards the final Hadran of the 13th Daf Yomi cycle continues onward, with members of klal yisroel of all ages joining together in an unprecedented wave of hasmadah, delving deeply into the waters of Torah as the Global Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi draws near.  Buoyed by the excitement of this historic event, thousands have jumped headfirst into new Siyum learning initiatives to expand Limud HaTorah, with a senior delegation of Agudah dignitaries recognizing Riverside Abstract for its partnership in these impactful Torah programs at a special June 3rd celebration.

Dear Klal Yisroel,
I come to you with a broken heart and a broken soul. I write this with tears streaming down my face. I have a 26 year old brother, a young father of two who is suffering from a rare and aggressive illness r”l. He is currently battling stage four cancer and is fighting for his life. He has undergone months of excruciatingly painful treatments of all types. At this point, the doctors are running out of options. However, there is one final trial that they are willing to try, which they believe can save his life.

All parents want the best for their children – that they should be good and upright, that they have everything they need for a fruitful, joyous life. The classic work, Shelah HaKadosh, contains a tefillah that parents should recite for their children at any time of the year – but especially before Rosh Chodesh Sivan, which is tomorrow, for that is the month when Hakadosh Boruch Hu gave us the Torah, and when the Yidden began to be called His Children. This year, it is preferable to recite it today, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.
As a public service, we offer the text of the tefillah for downloading.
