Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Brooklyn, has penned a five-page rebuttal to the psak written by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen, rov of Khal Ateres Yeshaya in Lakewood, NJ, permitting Rav Bergman to attend this past Sunday’s Adirei Hatorah event during shivah for his son.
As first reported on Matzav.com, after the tragic and untimely petirah of Rav Meir Tzvi’s son, Rav Ezriel Bergman zt”l, at the age of 70, rumors spread that Rav Meir Tzvi would not attend the Adirei HaTorah event. Ultimately, he did attend and address the event of kavod haTorah.Well publicized was a psak written by Rav Cohen, a noted posek and the author of renowned sifrei halacha, directed to Rav Cohen’s brother-in-law, Rav Shlomo Lesin, who is a close yad yemin of Rav Bergman.
Rav Cohen wrote that he discussed the issue with noted posek Rav Bentzion Kook. The outcome of their conversation, first reported by Matzav.com, was that Rav Bergman should attend, with the following restrictions:
1) Rav Bergman will remain in a separate close-off section.
2) He may sit on a regular chair.
3) He may deliver brief divrei chizuk and mussar.
4) He will not be welcomed with music and singing, but it can be announced that Rav Bergman has arrived for kavod haTorah.
5) After the drasha, Rav Bergman will depart the arena.
6) If possible, Rav Bergman should begin his drasha by stating that since the event is a very important one to be mechazeik bnei Torah, it is permitted for him to take part even during shivah.
Rav Lichtenstein has now written teshuvah in response to Rav Cohen, stating that he undertook to write the teshuvah to ensure that people don’t begin treating the matter of aveilus cavalierly. Rav Lichtenstein questions the psak permitting Rav Bergman to attend the event, rejects the reason of rabim tzrichin lo, and, at the end, states that, if necessary, Rav Bergman could have addressed the event remotely, via technology.
Read the teshuvah in its entirety here:
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