A Vision of Over 60 Years 64 years ago, in 1961, a young talmid chochom, Harav Yissachar Meyer, zt”l, arrived in the small town of Netivot, north-west of Beer Sheva, that had been established just 5 years earlier. At that time its population was 2000-3000. Rav Yissachar Meyer had a singular vision, one of kedusha and kvod shomayim, to turn Netivot into an Ir Torah (Torah City) of choice for avreichim and talmidei chachamim from across Eretz Yisrael to make their homes and to put down firm roots. With just 12 talmidim in a ramshackle tzrif (shack) Rav Yissachar Meyer began his life’s work – Yeshivat Hanegev – and laid the foundation for his eternal legacy. All who met him were captivated by his sincerity, his warmth and his scholarship.
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