6 coalition members -- including two ministers -- and 8 opposition MKs are isolating after testing positive, as UTJ's Yitzhak Pindrus and Religious Zionism's Ofir Sofer join list

The initiative, said to be the brainchild of Minister Ze'ev Elkin, would provide the coalition with more security and get a major hurdle out of the way early

Michael Biton, chairman of the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee, spent hours in the parliament on Thursday holding multiple hearings and meetings

Legislation pushed by Likud MK Amsalem has been nicknamed 'Barkat Law,' as it is said to target party's multimillionaire MK Nir Barkat, a potential Netanyahu rival

Political reporter Tal Schneider on Nir Hefetz's bombshell revelations in Case 4000; US correspondent Jacob Magid on the future of the Abraham Accords and the visa waiver program

Foreign minister says he got death threat likening him to Hitler; Likud chief asserts coalition whip Silman must give proof she was attacked, or apologize

Political correspondent Tal Schneider and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur assess the government's successful allocation of public finances -- a first in 3.5 years

Speaker Mickey Levy indicates he has no intention of blocking journalists and photographers from documenting, snapping photos of parliamentarians' activities on the Knesset floor

Joint List MK Aida Touma-Sliman decries the 'fascist filth' to which she says Arabs are regularly subjected

Opposition MKs removed from plenum for heckling premier, who says previous government was 'addicted' to lockdowns; opposition chief says ministers 'don't care what Bennett thinks'
