President to unveil extra $316 million in aid for Palestinians as well as several steps he says Israel will take to boost PA economy, including ones announced last year

Senior US official says upgrade will be rolled out in West Bank, Gaza by end of 2023; PA minister tells ToI he's heard such announcements before, wants to see action on ground

Officials slam Israeli 'delaying tactics' and say Jerusalem is offering barely any cellular bandwidth for Palestinians -- even as it expands Israeli networks in settlements

Ambassador Tom Nides says he will 'pound tables' with Israeli minister to get ball rolling on extending 4G service to all Palestinians, wants PA to have role at Allenby crossing

Arab affairs reporter Aaron Boxerman on the pledge to permit long-restricted Palestinian 4G cell service; editor David Horovitz on the rise and fall of Atarot's Jerusalem Airport

Until 2018, Israel kept Palestinian providers from installing 3G networks, and it could be years before 4G tech is rolled out, even as 5G becomes standard among Israeli competitors