'No' votes more than double those against 2021 bill for Iron Dome funding; J Street protests resolution's omission of backing for two-state solution but didn't call to oppose it

Jerusalem 'talking to whomever we need to' in effort to end fighting in Khartoum, as full normalization seems even further off

During Jerusalem visit that followed meeting with MBS in Riyadh, Lindsey Graham says agreement possible but will require gestures from US and for Biden to rally Democrats

Former head of CIA opts out of competing against Trump, but leaves door open on future run; counts Abraham Accords among his proudest achievements

Plan for direct Tel Aviv-Mecca flight for Hajj pilgrimage shelved as Riyadh takes issue with Netanyahu government's actions; relations with UAE also take a hit, report says

Consortium of startups, led by Halman-Aldubi Technologies, will develop sustainable food solutions without the need for water, land or energy

With no high-level visits and growing condemnations from Arab partners, the 2020 pacts are clearly in a slump, but they are here to stay

Call comes amid recent strain in bilateral ties; Emirati readout says Abu Dhabi committed to working 'to avoid regional escalation and advance a path to peace and stability'

Editor David Horovitz on financing Minister Ben Gvir's 'militia,' PM's judicial overhaul involvement; diplomatic reporter Lazar Berman on miracle save of Ukrainian matzah factory

FM Eli Cohen hails Abraham Accords as 'Israel's greatest achievement' in recent years -- but several Arab ambassadors absent amid tensions with Netanyahu government
