Dasee Berkowitz lays out a gentler, more spiritual path to bringing up children, an outgrowth of a popular program pioneered by educational organization Ayeka

Lori Kaufmann's debut 'Rebel Daughter' brings serious research to a tale of family and survival, from Jerusalem to southern Italy

When not captivating judge and jury as a criminal defender, Robert Rotenberg thinks up ways to challenge fictional homicide gumshoe Ari Greene on his home turf in Toronto

American writer, best known for his 'Easy Rawlins' mystery series, receives Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters

'Isresilience' authors Michael Dickson and Dr. Naomi L. Baum share the three keys to becoming resilient people and 'bouncing forward' under adversity

Historian James Bernauer's book 'Jesuit Kaddish' surprises academic Catholic order with a novel study of its members' anti-Semitism -- and honors those who saved Jews during WWII

Historian Richard Evans's new book 'The Hitler Conspiracies' details the revival and unparalleled propagation of falsehoods about Nazi Germany -- and the dangers this poses today

Unlikely Yale Law buddies Christopher Haugh and Jordan Blashek find common ground on a 20,000-mile, 44-state journey documented in their new book 'Union,' released this summer

Some know him as a news commentator, former MK, or ambassador -- but the US-born Israeli politician has always written fiction, and just released his 3rd work, 'The Night Archer'

In 'The Ratline,' Philippe Sands befriends son of Otto von Wachter, SS officer involved in killing his ancestors. Despite wealth of evidence, son says father was 'a great man'
