39th president's library and museum hold celebrations a day early to avoid risking their cancellation due to federal gov't shutdown, which Congress subsequently managed to thwart
Points: 11
As the beloved Jerusalem food market celebrates its centennial, its vendors and caretakers aim for balance between culinary pursuits and nightlife
Points: -5
Lead singer of Israeli band Teapacks wishes premier a happy birthday, thanks him for his 'hard work' for 'people of Israel'
Points: -3
'Happy Birthday Two You' aims to join together Jews with the same birthdate, inspired by the spirit of teenager murdered by Hamas
Points: -4
Blue and White party No. 2 shares the same birthday as prime minister's wife, reveals that the two exchange greetings every year
Points: 0
Partying with friends and family, Ben Raymond attributes longevity to 'positive outlook' and an occasional shot of whisky
Points: -7
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