Parents were told that mark on two-year-old’s nose was nothing to worry about; mom investigated anyway and discovered it was actually brain tissue and skull needed sealing

Scientists integrate human brain cells into newborn rats, taking 'our ability to study human brain development, evolution and disease into uncharted territory'

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, disproportionately found among Jews of Libyan and Tunisian origin, is notoriously hard to diagnose

University of Haifa scientist says her peer-reviewed study could open up a new approach to fighting the disease, enable detection when people are young

Joint research starting immediately on Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, geriatric psychiatry, as well as neurological diseases that are unique to the Jewish population

Work starting on human drug after researchers discover specific brain cells are giving glioblastoma tumors energy and, when removed, tumors wither

Doctors today rely on face-to-face questions and answers to diagnose cognitive decline, but new peer-reviewed research suggests music may help make EEG-based testing viable

Regular MRI scans don’t show disease's onset, but Hebrew University team publishes peer-reviewed research saying it used an advanced technique and algorithm that does

Peer-reviewed research finds correlation between alpha-beta waves and sound processing

Peer-reviewed study finds that much learning happens in dendrites rather than synapses, opening up new possibilities for degenerative diseases and a new model for AI
