“The attack on the mispallelim of Chabad of Poway on Pesach, by a monster who brought hate and horror into the kedushas beis haknesses, left us grief-stricken and heartbroken,” said LCSW, Shomrim of Lakewood, NJ, in a statement.
The shooting brought to the fore the horrific ramifications of latent anti-Semitism when actualized, and it also brought to the fore the heroism of individuals who fought hate with love.
“We mourn the passing of Lori Gilbert-Kaye who lost her life while protecting others in a courageous act of heroism,” said LCSW. “We extend our heartfelt refuah shelaimah to the injured, including Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who continued to lead his congregation with strength and courage despite his own injuries.”

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó appeared Tuesday to be staging a military-backed challenge to President Nicolás Maduro, beginning a tumultuous day in the capital, as thousands flocked to the streets and forces loyal to Maduro appeared to violently respond to the demonstrations.
By noon, six people had been wounded by firearms, according to an official with the Caracas Metropolitan Clinic. It was not immediately clear whether they were injured by rubber bullets or bullets. A seventh person, a reporter in the interior state of Barquisimeto, was injured by a rubber bullet, according to Venezuela’s journalists union. In Caracas, an armored vehicle ran into a crowd of Guaidó supporters.

The View’s co-hosts reacted to the tragic San Diego shooting on pesach that killed one person and wounded three others. Six minutes into the clip below, co-host Joy Behar says that President Donald Trump is “the culprit” and is now facing calls from the public to be fired.

Video: Reel of News

Brooklyn’s Secret Treasure Hidden No More
By Tzvi Y. Ezrachi
A high-caliber bochur concludes mesivta and then enters bais medrash, either in the same yeshiva or another. After a few years of high-level bais medrash learning, his next option is to go to learn in one of the well-known yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel.
In fact, that is his only option, right?
In fact, there is an outstanding yeshiva in Brooklyn whose reputation has been growing as a first-rate option for metzuyanim who have completed bais medrash but would like to continue their aliyah in Torah on American shores.
