Education Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday evening, together with representatives of the New Right party, reviewed the raw materials of the committees which count the double envelopes containing the votes of the soldiers.
A review of the materials found that no invalid ballots were found, with the exception of one ballot that had been disqualified according to the law.
The Election Committee approved the New Right’s request to conduct a recount of votes in 300 ballot boxes which were used for special votes – the double-enveloped ballots cast by Israeli citizens unable to vote at the ballot nearest to their home.

President Donald Trump’s proposal for a “Deal of the Century” to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict promises practical improvements in the lives of Palestinian Arabs but is likely to stop short of ensuring a separate, fully sovereign Palestinian state, people familiar with the main elements of the effort told The Washington Post on Sunday.
The plan is likely to focus heavily on Israeli security concerns, according to The Washington Post. Trump has told friends he wants to upend traditional assumptions about how to resolve the conflict, but unlike in his unorthodox personal diplomacy with North Korea, Trump has largely outsourced the Middle East peace effort to his son-in-law.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said she has received an increase in death threats since President Trump shared an edited video on Twitter that featured images of the 9/11 terrorist attack with Omar’s comments spliced in between.
Omar put out a statement Sunday night detailing the blowback she has faced since Trump posted the video.
“Since the President’s tweet Friday evening, I have experienced an increase in direct threats on my life — many directly referencing or replying to the President’s video,” Omar wrote in a statement.

President Trump reportedly publicly revived an earlier proposal to release migrants in sanctuary cities in part to distract from lingering questions about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, according to The New York Times.
Shortly after news broke that the administration had rejected the idea, Trump sent a series of tweets claiming it was still being considered. Trump has deliberately escalated his language to enliven his base since the Mueller investigation’s conclusion, according to the Times.
“Our goal is to respond as quick as we can; given the length of the report, it may take some time to respond,” Jay Sekulow, Trump’s personal lawyer, told the Times. “But we have a plan in place to respond in a professional manner as quickly and appropriately as possible.”

by Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

The most important part of the Seder is the mitzvah of Vehigadita Levincha. What would be in a case where the father has the mitzvah of sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim and the son does not? In order to answer the question, let’s first elaborate upon the scenario where such a question can actually occur. The first possibility would be if the father lives in Chutz L’aretz and the son lives in Eretz Yisroel and either the father is visiting EretzYisroel or the son is visiting Chutz L’Aretz.  The above question would come into play on the second day of Yom Tov.

Does Julian Assange have a case? Reaction and analysis from former Justice Department counsel Jamil Jaffer and former senior investigative counsel Chris Staszak.

President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign says it has raised more than $30 million in the first quarter of 2019, more than the top two Democratic candidates combined, according to multiple reports.
Trump’s first quarter fundraising haul brings its cash on hand to more than $40 million, a historic amount for this point in a reelection campaign.
The top two Democratic candidates in fundraising were Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) with more than $18 million and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who brought in roughly $12 million.
Read more at The Hill.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told CBS’s “60 Minutes” that the left flank of the House Democratic caucus represented by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is “like five people” in a Sunday interview.
When Stahl asked for Pelosi’s thoughts on the left wing of the party pushing initiatives such as Medicare for all, which Stahl said were “allowing the president to say you’re all socialists,” Pelosi noted the GOP made similar claims when Lyndon Johnson led the creation of Medicare in the 1960s.
“This is an ongoing theme of the Republicans. However — I do reject socialism as an economic system. if people have that view, that’s their view,” Pelosi said. “That is not the view of the Democratic Party.”
