Facebook revealed Thursday that millions of Instagram user passwords had been stored in unprotected text accessible by the company’s employees.
The company disclosed the information as an update to a March blog post in which it admitted that hundreds of millions of users’ Facebook passwords had been left unprotected within the company’s servers.
While the original post said tens of thousands of Instagram user passwords had been exposed, Facebook said it has since discovered many more Instagram passwords exposed in the same way.
“Since this post was published, we discovered additional logs of Instagram passwords being stored in a readable format,” Facebook wrote in the update. “We now estimate that this issue impacted millions of Instagram users.”

At the end of Rabbi YY Jacobson’s morning Chassidus class on Tuesday, 11 Nissan, 5779, April 17, 2019, one of the students asked if it is correct to tell your children that Eliyahu HaNavi comes and physically drinks the wine in Kos Shel Eliyahu.” Rabbi Jacobson’s response is presented in this video.

The New York City Department of Health closed four yeshivas and issued summonses to three Brooklyn parents whose children were exposed to measles but still not vaccinated as of an April 12 deadline imposed in certain Williamsburg and Bedford-Stuyvesant zip codes, officials said Thursday.
United Talmudical Academy of Williamsburg-Yeshiva Torah V’Yirah, UTA Beth Rachel School for Girls, United Talmudical Academy, UTA Beth Rachel School for Girls were all forced to close for not fully complying with orders to provide immunization records regularly so as to assure unvaccinated children were being excluded from classes, according to city health officials.

Leading halachic authorities have ruled that online authorizations are acceptable for the purpose of selling chametz. The traditional and preferred practice, however, is for the authorization transaction to be done in person with the local rabbi.
Chabad.org makes this service available online at no charge, to provide every Jew with the opportunity to have their chametz sold for Passover.
Sell your chametz here.

It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rav Ezriel Tauber zt”l. He was 79.
Rav Tauber, a Holocaust survivor, was a renowned speaker and maggid shiur who inspired thousands over the course of his lifetime through his shiurim and writing.
Drawing on his vast knowledge, treasure of personal stories and experience, Rav Tauber electrified audiences around the world.

A New York State Supreme Court judge in Albany has invalidated the State Education Department (SED)’s recently enacted guidelines for evaluating the education provided at private schools. Agudath Israel of America, one of the plaintiff groups that challenged the SED guidelines in court, welcomed the ruling as “a major victory in the battle to preserve the educational autonomy of yeshivos and other nonpublic schools.”

The rate of people filing for divorce within two weeks of Pesach is three times as high as during the rest of the year, according to Ronit Sharon, manager of the Talia Center for Children and Parents and a lecturer at the Hebrew University.
She said that this statistic is true for the Bais Din rabbinical court and the secular divorce system, and is only equivalent around the Rosh Hashanah holiday.
“Beware that the holiday period invites many hours that couples are together, which can lead to conflicts arising,” Sharon said. “Don’t make impulsive decisions on ending a connection during the holidays. Persevere until afterwards and then look at the situation with a new perspective.”

A detailed report from special counsel Robert Mueller said investigators struggled with both the legal implications of investigating President Donald Trump for possible obstruction of justice, and the motives behind a range of his most alarming actions, from seeking the ouster of officials to ordering a memo that would clear his name.

Attorney General William Barr’s office made nearly 1,000 redactions to the publicly released version of special counsel Robert Mueller report, according to an analysis by Reuters.
Reuters found 953 total redactions, broken down by the four categories Barr had previously stated would be redacted.
The news service determined that the most common redaction concerned “harm to ongoing matter,” which occurred in 427 cases, according to the analysis.
Read more at The Hill.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un plans to meet President Vladimir Putin in Russia later this month, the Kremlin said Thursday, as Moscow looks to gain a greater role in the international outreach with Pyongyang.
For Kim, the planned summit is an opportunity to expand his options and potential leverage with both the United States and the North’s longtime ally, China.
Kim wants international sanctions eased as part of negotiations with the Trump administration over possibly rolling back North Korea’s nuclear program.
