Kedem Grape Juice – a standard at many Sedorim – is all about the grapes, but it also has a rich heritage of tradition and dedication to producing the highest quality product while adhering to the strictest kosher standards.

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הגרי"ג אדלשטיין בבדיקת חמץהגרי”ג אדלשטיין בבדיקת חמץצילום: שוקי לרר
הגרי"ג אדלשטיין בבדיקת חמץהגרי”ג אדלשטיין בבדיקת חמץצילום: שוקי לרר

The following is a rare video of the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Moshe Teitelbaum zt”l, the Beirach Moshe, on Erev Pesach 5764/5.


Q. I have heard people say they “don’t sell chometz gomur.” Why not?
A. A common method for relinquishing ownership of chometz before Pesach is to sell it, typically through an agent, to a gentile. The chometz remains in the house, in a closed-off area that has been rented to its new owner. After Pesach the agent repurchases the chometz on your behalf (and the rental period ends).

הגרמ"צ ברגמן בבדיקת חמץהגרמ”צ ברגמן בבדיקת חמץצילום: שוקי לרר
הגרמ"צ ברגמן בבדיקת חמץהגרמ”צ ברגמן בבדיקת חמץצילום: שוקי לרר

As is well known, Rav Chaim Kanievsky makes a siyum on kol haTorah kulah every year, completing Talmud Bavli,Talmud Yerushalmi, Tosefta, Sifri, Mishnayos, Shulchan Aruch, Rambam, and other segments of Torah.
The most recent siyum made by the venerable gaon took place this morning, Erev Pesach, following the vasikin minyan at the Lederman Shul on Rechov Rashbam in Bnei Brak, where Rav Chaim regularly davens.
In addition to a large number of bechorim who joined so that they would not have to fast the customary taanis bechorim on Erev Pesach, a large crowd gathered to watch as the hadol hador made a siyum on all of Shas.

Lakewood, NJ – Lakewood, an area of 26 square miles, has 217 miles of Township streets. It also has thousands upon thousands of garbage receptacles – bins that, while serving town residents, belong to the Lakewood Public Works Department, which is responsible for the maintenance and repair of Township roads and sewers, Township parks and open space, snowplowing of Township streets, leaf and brush collection, and, of course, garbage and recycling collection.

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