Pundits who have derided Anti-Defamation League's seeming leftward turn decry tech mogul's threat to sue, but some Jewish observers say anti-hate group has overstepped mandate

Hundreds of demonstrators gather outside as nine justices hear arguments for and against Mississippi law that bans the procedure after 15 weeks

Amy Coney Barrett, Trump nominee to replace Ginsburg, resided in house owned by co-founders of People of Praise, a mysterious group accused of subjugating women

Decision in case on opposing sex trafficking finds foreign organizations operating abroad are not protected by First Amendment; NGOs in Middle East also considered in deliberations

In live-streamed case about NGOs, HIV funds and prostitution, Justice Brett Kavanaugh unexpectedly brings up Washington's support for the Jewish state

Ady Barkan, an ALS sufferer name-checked by Warren at recent Democratic debate, says issue 'too important for 30-second sound bites shouted between ten different candidates'