A curated selection of specialty coffeehouses in Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, where the java is always fresh and the company warm

6,000 cops to be deployed to enforce closure, with focus on dispersing gatherings and New Year's Eve parties and cracking down on quarantine violations

With shops and nature reserves set to close again on Sunday, people use last chance to shop, visit; police hand out fines to revelers ignoring health rules

Scenes demonstrate challenge of instituting a national closure, which perhaps unintentionally lead citizens to gather in large crowds both before and after restrictions take effect

Some open illegally in protest, saying they need to feed their families; 815 new virus cases reported as testing levels increase

Jerusalem and Tel Aviv markets shuttered as new rules sow confusion; internal law enforcement directives also said to state that action won't be taken against individuals

Carmel Market in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda reportedly set to shutter in coming days; representative of store owners protests 'financial ruin' for business owners

The Tel Aviv-based food writer Adeena Sussman earned her recipe-testing chops while living in New York, but the Carmel Market offers her ingredients and inspiration