Christians for Israel hires four planes to trail giant banners congratulating the Jewish state on its 75th birthday

Two evangelical organizations, Christians for Israel and Ezra International, are providing transportation and accommodation for refugees bound for the Jewish state

Vika Korotkova drives out to location with phone reception, reports that city subjected to heavy Russian bombardment and without heat, food, water, or communications, 'is dead'

Viktoria Smyrnova of the Jewish community in Mariupol feels she's 'sitting on a bomb,' as Jewish organizations plan for crisis amid fears of Russian invasion

Pre-Christmas study finds high education levels, contrasts with warnings from Church leaders that 'radical' Israeli groups are driving Christians from Holy Land

Guardian of Christian holy places laments 'unchecked, unpunished' attacks, as archbishops blame Israeli settlers and security barrier; accusations draw protest from British Jews

Top Israeli officials to address Thursday's 5th annual gathering of leading Christian media figures; PM: 'Israel stands united with Christians'

Dutch-based Christians for Israel planning to deliver more than 300,000 meals on wheels over next two months as country with poor medical infrastructure scrambles to contain virus