More than 1.4 million Israelis have received a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine, with early numbers said to show a high protection rate for those with the booster shot
But data indicates Israel cresting latest COVID wave; officials see 3rd shot offering best protection yet, expect it to last longer; cabinet said likely to open schools Sep. 1
Health Ministry's Sharon Alroy-Preis predicts 3rd vaccine doses will be made available to all in coming weeks; expert says booster shots will help lead to 'containment'
Bennett says an open Israel is 'within reach,' but avoiding 4th closure requires public's cooperation: 'You can protect yourselves, your livelihoods, our economy, our kids'
Experts say those given 3rd vaccine shot 6-8 times less likely to develop severe illness than those who got 2 doses; 10 cases of new AY3 strain identified in Israel
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