Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Polling booths to be set up at airport on election day for returning travelers; 4.4 million people in Israel have had both vaccine shots

Social media users say lingering symptoms subsided after they got the shot; Israeli taskforce earlier this week recorded similar findings

At least a dozen countries including Germany, France, Italy and Spain have suspended use of shot; experts reviewing safety data

As vaccinations kick in, chance of children infecting elderly Israelis diminishes; MDs say this may eliminate need for mandatory isolation of entire classes

Allocated through UN-backed COVAX initiative for poor countries, the vaccines arrive in Ramallah via Israel's Ben Gurion Airport

Dror Eydar pushes for tens of thousands of shots to be sent to microstate, claims immunizations were promised before legal officials scrapped Netanyahu's 'vaccine diplomacy' plan

Virus transmission rate lowest since October, as 4 million fully vaccinated; health minister urges roughly 1 million eligible citizens who haven't been inoculated to get the shot

'It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine and it's something that works,' former US president tells Fox, acknowledging high level of vaccine resistance amongst his voters

Virus transmission rate at lowest point since October; Israel may give surplus vaccines to other countries; Health Ministry says no more pods for 3rd graders
