If medicines pass clinical test for COVID, they’re also likely to prove effective for new variants, scientists say, as they target proteins that barely change between mutations

Zman Yisrael editor Biranit Goren dips into an ice cream boycott and health reporter Nathan Jeffay catches us up on COVID research in Israel

US president hopes media giants will now better combat vaccine misinformation; Facebook claims 85% of users in the US have been vaccinated or want to get the shot

PM Bennett said to have had personal talks with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to secure deal, though no decision has yet been made on widespread booster doses

Ministers likely to okay move Tuesday; Health Ministry warns against travel abroad -- but says no plans to shutter airport -- as 37,000 pass through Ben Gurion

Speaking at memorial ceremony, Joseph Szwarc says comparison is 'hateful' after anti-vaccination demonstrators wear yellow stars, hold banners referencing Auschwitz

Public venues in 2 districts to close down starting Tuesday after daily cases almost hit new record

With morbidity soaring, minister Nitzan Horowitz to push for reintroducing Green Pass system for events of over 100 people to avoid further restrictions in the future

PM declares that government decisions are not mere advice, says authorities formulating plan for smooth opening of school year

Research was conducted before Delta variant, but deputy head of Sheba Medical Center, which took part in effort, calls findings 'convincing illustration of vaccine effectiveness’
