Brooklyn communities angry at new restrictions imposed to curb coronavirus rise in parts of NYC; Cuomo blames people not practicing social distancing

Finance minister calls to reopen businesses of up to 10 people, preparing series of grants; Netanyahu: Stop trying to garner votes at expense of public's health

US president says catching coronavirus was a 'blessing from God' as it made him aware of Regeneron therapeutic cocktail, which he hails as a 'cure'

US resident given rare access to experimental drug; questions also raised as to quality of treatment with many details on his condition withheld from public

Sean Conley says the US president hasn't required supplemental oxygen since he was initially hospitalized last week for COVID-19

8.9% of tests on Wednesday come back positive, the lowest rate in three weeks; top health official says restrictions could be eased if downward trend continues

Yamina No. 2 says new elections would save country more money than they cost by preventing further government failure to deal with the coronavirus

US president's medical team reports he has been free of virus symptoms for 24 hours, with no fever in four days

Arrivals from Turkey seen crowding together, with some not wearing masks, as they try to complete mandatory forms to enter the country

Match with Jewish state will decide who plays Norway or Serbia for a spot in the European championship
