Shaare Zedek becomes second medical center to say its coronavirus ward is at full capacity, as almost 5,000 cases diagnosed in 24 hours

Darchei Torah boys school transitions into virtual studies for several days, while epidemiological investigation is conducted

Seven donors give cash to 13 institutions with 'dire' financial difficulties brought on by pandemic, as parents struggle to pay fees and regular donations dry up

After health official urges authorities to close classes immediately, ministers decide to give it another day even as virus cases continue to surge

As government set to decide on exact lockdown rules, Yizhar Shai tells ToI rules will focus on keeping people sane, including opening playgrounds and outdoor exercise equipment

PM is both the grand strategist who produced the peace being unveiled Tuesday, and the political acrobat whose ceaseless campaigning is undermining Israel's coronavirus fight

'We now know the enemy better,' says Noam Stern-Ginossar, after finding 4 previously unknown proteins that may be wreaking havoc in COVID-19 patients

Ronni Gamzu asks health and education ministers to close schools early, saying government erred in allowing them to stay open until Friday

Administrators believe virus is likely being transmitted outside of school, where strict protocols aren't maintained -- at weddings, parties, Shabbat meals and playdates

Record high testing still returns over 10% rate; expert advising government says spread in Israel now 'out of control'; some 50 said infected as result of a wedding
