'If we’re lucky, we’ll get a vaccine that’s effective at 90%, but if we’re less lucky, it could be 30%, and if we’re unlucky, we could get no vaccine at all,' warns Cyrille Cohen
Edelstein says new dramatic restrictions needed to flatten the curve; 962 infections confirmed in 24 hours, bringing total to 30,749; 2 deaths announced
Previous crises have shown economists that if young unemployed men and women don't get back to work quickly, they could get stuck on the margins of the labor force for good
Netanyahu says country 'a step away' from full lockdown as cabinet announces dramatic new virus restrictions; synagogues capped at 19 worshipers, all gatherings capped at 20 people
Stephen Cooper, 78, an electrical engineer, was photographed running from the collapsing World Trade Center towers by the Associated Press's Suzanne Plunkett
At least 10 doctors and 6 journalists have been arrested since pandemic hit in February as security agencies try to stifle criticism of the government's response
Israel has a 'corona government that is really not about corona,' says former Health Ministry chief Prof. Gabi Barbash, and the intensity of the second wave reflects its failures
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