Deaths reach 233 with 5,018 diagnosed; PM Johnson warns country is just 'two or three weeks' behind Italian situation

Administrators of Temple Mount mosque say employees will continue to perform prayers there; closure meant to preserve 'lives and health'

Republican, who was at Capitol Hill last Wednesday, says he has shown no symptoms and is in quarantine

Health Ministry puts tally at 1,071, including 1 fatality, 18 serious cases and 30 in moderate condition; numbers represent slight dip in daily rate

As authorities weigh full closure if virus keeps spreading, commissioner says preparations completed for such scenario

27 other Palestinians in Gaza isolated after coming near people infected with coronavirus, Hamas-run Health Ministry says

While modern Orthodox and liberal communities close in fear of COVID-19, the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, an ultra-Orthodox umbrella group, continues religious services

Boarding of El Al flight last week was temporarily halted due to concerns that members of Hasidic group had already been exposed to virus; some 200 were on plane

Social Welfare Ministry launches 'unprecedented' initiative to feed seniors stuck at home because of coronavirus

One officer lightly injured in Mea Shearim amid crackdown on those violating restrictions aimed at curbing spread of disease
