Israeli company notes 'breakthrough' in bio-printing 3.67 oz product made with real muscle, fat cells

Actor and environmental activist contributes undisclosed amount as part of Israeli company's recent $105m funding round

Environment reporter Sue Surkes explains why we're sweating and how it'll only get worse, while Palestinian affairs reporter Aaron Boxerman updates us on hot-spot Sheikh Jarrah

With slogans like 'A whole different animal,' and 'Precisely the same, entirely different,' startup unveils its high-end, plant-based 3-D printed products at Tel Aviv tasting

Drawing stem cells from animals, the Israeli startup reproduces them in bioreactors; 'jury is still out' on whether the product might be deemed kosher

Funding round is led by private equity firm L Catterton and DisruptAD, the VC arm of Abu Dhabi's holding company ADQ; Aleph mulls manufacturing plant in UAE

Using its prowess in agricultural, tissue engineering, stem-cell research and engineering, Israel emerges as hub for alternative proteins and cultivated meat startups
