Defense minister announces winners ahead of awards ceremony, warns: 'The best minds are working to find breakthrough solutions against those who seek to harm us'

New Defense Ministry website with over 20,000 files includes previously unseen intelligence assessments, diaries of SIGINT commander, eyewitness accounts of fall of Hermon outpost

Eight-wheeled lightweight vehicle begins to replace military's aging M113 fully tracked armored personnel carriers

Director-General Eyal Zamir announces Depth Multi-Year Plan, and creation of robotics and AI body as Tehran continues to enrich uranium

Defense minister unveils a slew of benefits amid low report rates for reservists, and following widespread threats to not serve in response to judicial overhaul efforts

European nation to purchase 20 PULS weapons produced by Elbit; Defense Minister Gallant says deal ‘strengthens ties, enhances Israel's global position'

Livnat Green, who committed apparent 'suicide by cop,' had a troubled life, moving between welfare institutions and suffering from PTSD after her military service

In apparent suicide, former soldier said to shout 'Allabu akbar' at crossing near Beit Yatir settlement before guards open fire

Ben Gvir vows to continue boycott of Knesset votes to protest decision to release remains of Palestinians killed while trying to attack an IDF post in March

In most recent reported operation, Defense Ministry takes 80 accounts allegedly linked to Hamas worth $140,000, confiscates 2 wallets to 'thwart' Islamic State activities
