Winner of presidential elections to be decided by four key states, with Biden gaining ground
Points: 1
Local media reports the men are suspected of planning to attack convention center, as Trump spreads false claims of widespread voter fraud
Points: -1
Senators Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz warn Republicans may reject ballot results if they turn against president
Some networks cut away from US president's stream of unsupported 'election rigged' claims. Rick Santorum: 'No elected Republican official is going to stand behind that statement '
Leading TV broadcasters ABC, MSNBC, NBC all halt president's speech after he makes baseless accusations of voter fraud
Points: 2
Social media giant bars 'Stop the Steal' page over concerns it was being used to delegitimize voting process and issue 'worrying' calls for violence
93% of 376 counties with highest number of new cases per capita went for president
Points: -2
President claims fraud as his lead continues to narrow in Pennsylvania, Georgia; challenger projects confidence, says 'the process is working'
Points: 6
US president's all-caps declarations advocate tossing out legally cast votes, have tone of a last stand
Points: -14
President's baseless claims of widespread fraud lead to angry rallies outside counting centers, streams of threats for election workers across US
Points: 3
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