Lyrics – מילים
איך זיץ מיך ביי מיין לעכטעלע
די אורות אזוי ריין
די קנויט געב א פלעכטעלע
סי ברענט אזוי שיין
הנרות הללו קודש הם
ווען וועסטו צונדען דיין לעכטעלע
צינד שוין טאטע דיין הייליג לעכטעלע
הנרות הללו קודש הם
בוי שוין אויף דיין הויז
און נעם אונז צוריק אהיים
Song Composed by: Chesky Weiss
Lyrics: Shmily Rothschild
Performed by: Yanki & Shmily Rothschild
Music: Shraga Lerner
Recording: Sound Sonic Studio
Mix: Tenor Studio
Production: Blue studios
Video & Editing: Blue studios
A special thanks: Thank you hashem for giving us this opportunity to release our first music video L’kovod Chanukah!
לחן: חזקי ווייס
מילים: שמילי רוטשילד

Melody composed by the Schapiro brothers of the famous Slavita printing press. (Song at 3:12.)
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One In a Million (Official Music Video) Single by Mordechai Shapiro AVAILABLE ON ITUNES!!
Produced by
Mordechai Shapiro
& Shimmy Socol
One in A Million
Produced by Yitzy Waldner and Mordechai Shapiro
Composed By: Mordechai Brezel and Mordechai Shapiro
Lyrics: Mordechai Brezel
Musical Production: Daniel Kapler
Arrangement: Daniel Kapler, Ian Freitor
Mixed and mastered by: Daniel Kapler, Playmasters studio
Keyboards by: Daniel Kapler
Programming by: Daniel Kapler
Backing Vocals: Mordechai Shapiro
Vocals recorded at: DEG Studios
Video by Shimmy Socol
Concert footage provided by Camp Morasha

As a child, Yaakov Rosenblatt was a soloist in the Miami Boys Choir. Later, he sang backup vocals on some albums for Mordechai Ben David. Recently, he was featured as a soloist on the Pittsburgher Chasidim Albums.
Yaakov, who now resides in Los Angeles, California, is releasing his debut single in time for Chanukah titled Al Hanisim – In thanks and appreciation to G-d for the miracles that He performed to save the Jewish people from the mighty Assyrian-Greeks. The Jews were miraculously victorious and were able to rededicate the Bais Hamikdash (Holy Temple) and light the Menorah in purity.

Performing at countless events in the tri-state area Akiva Gelb is back with another energy filled medley featuring the music of the latest talent on the band/production, Lipa Brach.
Accompanying Akiva is his talented son, child soloist Shulem Gelb alongside the always spectacular Shir V’shevach Boys Choir led by Chaim Meir Fligman. So, get ready to dance with this brand-new dance medley featuring some of the most recent hits.
Aleh Aleh – Mendy Weiss
Shira – R’ Cheskie Weisz
V’Yom Tov – Anshie Friedman
Star singer: Akiva Gelb
Child soloist: Shulem Gelb
Kids Choir: Shir V’shevach
Arranged and Conducted by: Reb Chaim Meir Fligman
Lighting: GW Lighting
