In explaining the idea of NECHAMA The Seforim Hakedoshim tell us that very soon we will all look back at all of our years in GALUS and it will all make sense, but that’s not all!. We will even be able to look at our personal Galus, including the great challenges we all face, each on their own level, and see how everything we have been through was actually the best thing for us at the time – Thats Nechama!
So lets sing, dance and connect to Hashem as we prepare for the ultimate Nechama, and like Rebbe Akiva we will laugh at what we once saw as our darkest times in life and proclaim yet again with incredible pride – Thank you Hashem!
Inspired by the Torah of Reb Yussie Zakutinsky and K’hal Mevakshei Hashem
Performed by: Joey Newcomb

Levi Falkowitz, a Satmar chosid from the United States, is a highly respected singer. Besides appearing on over 15 other albums as well as his own two solo albums, Levy has a long and illustrious career thus far. His recent album “Toiv Lee” had many hit songs including the opening track “Libi” which was composed by Anshi Friedman.

Don’t be fooled by the smile. Yes, Uri Davidi is a genuinely nice guy, but he is also one of Jewish Music’s most sought after stars.
Coming off the release of his second hit album ‘Muchanim’ (produced by Yitzy Waldner), Uri joins the ‘Reimagined’ Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra, for a fun-filled and energetic second dance medley.
Featuring two of Uri’s newest hits (Modeh Ani, Nu Nu) in addition to some hot songs, Uri’s positive energy teamed up with funky arrangements, will make you want to get out of your seat and dance.
Video was taken on June 23rd, 2019 at The Pearl River Hilton, at the Orbach & Bouaziz Wedding.
Modeh Ani- Uri Davidi
Aish- Yaakov Shwekey
Yishtabah Shemo- Yaakov Shwekey
Nu Nu- Uri Davidi

Video in memory of my sister Hudis A’H
Hachnosas Sefer Torah scenes that we filmed were at the actual Hachnosas Sefer Torah dedicated in Hudis’s Z’chus on June 16th 2019 at Shemen L’mincha in Lkwd NJ
לזכר נשמת
אברהם ביינוש בן יחיאל יהודה הכהן זצ”ל
יוסף מרדכי בן שלום זצ״ל
יהודית ע״ה בת שלום ודינה פיגה נ״י
Arranged By: Leib Yaakov Rigler
Song Composed & Sung By: Moshe Storch
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Drums & Percussion: Avi Avidani
Bass: Aryeh Volnitz
Trumpets: Danny Flamm & Crew
Strings: Nitzan Ben Canetty & Crew
Backing Vocals: Moshe Roth & Crew
Mixed & Mastered: Ian Freitor
