Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian reports on continued manhunt for soldiers' killers; culture editor Jessica Steinberg explains Eretz Nehederet's 20-year staying power

Keshet's award-winning 'Eretz Nehederet' marks two decades of pushing the envelope with humor that has offered a mirror of Israeli society and politics

In 'Eretz Nehederet' homage to song from Mel Brooks's 'The Producers,' Ben Gvir fills in for Nazi dictator, espousing policies against Arabs, gays and 'lefties'

Health writer Nathan Jeffay discusses kids' COVID vaccines, antibiotics research, while business editor Ricky Ben-David looks at housing and Time's citing of 4 Israeli technologies

'Eretz Nehederet' takes aim at some of the colorful tendencies in an industry awash with cash and eccentric leaders

But Eyal Kitsis, frontman for hit Channel 12 show 'Eretz Nehederet,' admits that by now he is ready to make a 'boring program'

Amid growing conflict with Haredi community over flouting of lockdown, opponents call 'Eretz Nehederet' skit of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky 'disrespectful and offensive'

Satirists from the popular series gather on Zoom with their families for funny ditty about long days in lockdown mode

As he's consolidated power in 13-plus years at helm, growing discontent among many citizens keeps the premier from attaining the legendary status of the man he's now overtaken