In a stunning display of global disdain, America’s adversaries have declared the United States the real loser in Thursday’s presidential debate. President Biden’s faltering performance left viewers stunned, and foreign media outlets, many government-run, seized the opportunity to criticize the US.

The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp entered the eastern Mediterranean Sea this week as the U.S. positions warships to try to deter Hezbollah from attacking Israel. While the Wasp has the capability to assist in the evacuation of civilians if full-scale war breaks out between Israel and Hezbollah along the Lebanon border, that’s not the primary reason it was rotated in, a U.S. official said. “It’s about deterrence,” the official said. A second U.S. official said the rotation is similar to the U.S. sending the USS Bataan assault ship into the waters around Israel shortly after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, with the vessel remaining for months in the eastern Mediterranean to help provide options and try to contain the conflict.

A suicide drone launched by Hezbollah fell in northern Ramat HaGaolan on Sunday afternoon, injuring nine Israelis, two seriously and the rest moderately and lightly. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack and said that it targeted an IDF base. At the same time, a drone fell in an open area in Beit Hillel. Earlier on Sunday, Hezbollah launched three anti-tank missiles at Metula. One missile scored a direct hit on a home in Metula, one hit groves west of the area, and one fell within Lebanon. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

In a heartfelt video message played at a protest rally in Tel Aviv, Noa Argamani, one of the four hostages rescued by the Israeli military in a special operation in Gaza this month, spoke publicly for the first time since her rescue. Argamani expressed her gratitude for being reunited with her family, particularly her mother who has late-stage cancer, but emphasized her concern for the remaining 120 hostages still in Hamas captivity, including her partner Avinatan Or. “As an only child to my parents – and a daughter to a mother with a terminal illness – my biggest worry in captivity was for my parents,” Argamani said in the two-minute clip.

The Israeli government on Sunday unanimously approved the appointment of Likud MK Danny Danon to replace Gilad Erdan as the next Israeli ambassador at the UN. Danon previously served as the UN ambassador from 2015 to 2020. He will enter the new position in August, when Erdan returns to Israel. “I am proud to return to serve the State of Israel as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations during this critical period,” Danon stated. “With Israel confronting challenges on multiple fronts, it is imperative for each of us to contribute to the best of our abilities and experiences. This principle has guided my actions in the past and will continue to guide me in the future.

The levaya of the Kosover Rebbe zt”l will begin at 11 AM at his Bais Medrash in Boro Park and a second at the Vizhnitz Bais Medrash in Monsey, followed by Kevurah in the nearby Vizhnitz Bais Hachaim FOLLOW THE LEVAYA OF THE REBBE IN LIVE TIME BY SIGNING UP TO BORO PARK SCOOP AND MONSEY SCOOP AT THE LINKS BELOW Boro Park Scoop Status Boro Park Scoop Groups Monsey Scoop Status  Monsey Scoop Groups

A mother of nine perished in a fire that broke out in her home overnight Motzei Shabbos on the yishuv of Kochav Yaakov in Binyamin. Adina Zahavi, a’h, and her husband rescued their children from their beds after waking up to the fire. Adina then collapsed due to smoke inhalation. She was evacuated to the hospital where her death was pronounced shortly later. Eighteen others were injured in the fire, two moderately and 16 lightly, including 12 children. A preliminary investigation revealed that the fire was caused by an electric bike that was being charged in a plug next to a couch in the home. Adina, a’h, made aliyah from the US 20 years ago and met her husband Aryeh in Israel, where they married and established a family. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

An elderly Chareidi man who entered Qalandiya in the Palestinian Authority overnight Motzei Shabbos was attacked by a mob of Arabs and narrowly escaped serious injury. A mob surrounded his car and threw stones and blocks at it as he tried to escape. However, he smashed into a concrete barrier and was lightly injured. Palestinian security forces intervened and brought him outside the town, where he was transferred to IDF forces and received emergency medical treatment. He was then evacuated to Shaare Tzedek Hospital. The victim’s car was left behind and the Arabs set it on fire. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Former South Carolina Governor and Trump primary challenger Nikki Haley has issued a warning to Republicans: Democrats will replace President Biden with a younger, more vibrant candidate, and the party must prepare for the challenge. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Haley said, “They are going to be smart about it. They’re going to bring somebody younger. They’re going to bring somebody vibrant.

Washington is working to reach an agreement between Israel and Hamas, proposing new language for parts of the proposed hostage and ceasefire deal, according to a report by Axios. The US, along with fellow mediators Qatar and Egypt, is focused on amending Clauses 8 and 14 of the deal, which concern negotiations during the six-week ceasefire and the transition between stages one and two of the agreement. Relatives of those still held captive in Gaza protested on Motzei Shabbos, urging the government to secure a deal. The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, which has been holding weekly rallies, pledged to continue calling on the government to realize the deal presented by US President Biden in May.
