The coffin containing the dead body of Iran’s top general, Qassem Soleimani, was transported to Tehran on a passenger plane in a special tribute flight which played footage of him on its screens. A video taken from inside Mahan Air’s Airbus A300-603R shows five coffins taking up whole rows of seats between passengers, instead of being put in the cargo hold. Passengers can be seen watching footage of Soleimani which is playing in memorial of him on the in-flight TV screens. Millions of Iranians are partaking in the funeral in Tehran on Monday. See the video below taken on the plane: MID-FLIGHT HESPED Watch and enjoy the mourning of a man who funded the deaths of hundreds of Jews through Iran’s proxies Hamas and Hezbollah.

A delegation of Iranian Jews, including the Rav of Tehran, was among the millions of Iranians filling the streets of Tehran on Monday for the funeral of slain General Qassem Soleimani, who was killed by a US airstrike last week, Israeli news sites reported on Monday. One of the members of the Jewish community in Tehran, in an exclusive conversation with B’Chadrei Chareidim, said: “Many Jews participated in the funeral. We went to comfort the general’s family. The Rav of Tehran, Rav Yehudah Grami, also went to comfort [the family]. An important delegation [of Jews] joined him.” A Yisrael Hayom report said that a delegation of Jews along with leaders of other minority religions visited Soleimani’s family home on Sunday to comfort the family.

Today’s Unity rally was created to show Jewish solidarity, to bring Americans together for a common cause – the fight against anti-Semitism. The need for the event is obvious: visibly Jewish people in the New York metropolitan area are attacked for their religious identity on a near daily basis, sometimes resulting in death, רח”ל. Americans must unite to help destroy the bane of our society. Americans should march together to show our commitment to Religious Freedom. Our community has a diverse spectrum of political beliefs. The progressive Jew is no less Jewish than the conservative one and vice versa. Political views do not define us. Although we have different opinions about some very important issues, we all agree that attacking orthodox Jews for their religious identity is wrong.

Trying to score political points? Two days after every anti-Semitic incident – after the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is 48 hours into their investigation, NY Governor Cuomo makes announcements like this. No community activist has ever seen the NY State Police Hate Crimes Task Force. “I am completely disgusted by yet another incident of bias that occurred in Brooklyn on Saturday night, when a man on a bicycle yelled anti-Semitic slurs at a member of our Jewish community. “As upwards of 25,000 New Yorkers showed during yesterday’s solidarity march, these cowards who spew hate and division do not represent the majority of New Yorkers.

Weeping amid wails from a sea of mourners, Iran’s supreme leader on Monday prayed over the remains of a top Iranian general killed in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad, an attack that’s drastically raised tensions between Tehran and Washington. The procession for Iranian Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani drew a crowd of mourners and followers, said by police to be in the millions, on Monday in Tehran, where Soleimani’s replacement vowed to take revenge for his killing. Additionally, Tehran has abandoned the remaining limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in response to the slaying while in Iraq, the parliament has called for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil.

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Although the month of Teives begins with the last days of Chanukah, it otherwise has no holidays other than fast days. On the 10th of Teives, Nevuchadnetzar, the evil king of Bavel began the siege against Yerushalayim during the time of the first Beis HaMikdash. This siege continued for […]

When someone in a Florida neighborhood heard chilling cries and the words “Let me out!” they dialed 911. Little did they know the cries were that of a 40-year-old parrot named Rambo. After the call, four Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputies pulled up and questioned a man who appeared to be repairing a car in his driveway. The Palm Beach Post reports that when the deputies explained their concerns, the man smiled, then told deputies he’d introduce them to the perpetrator. When he returned with the parrot, the deputies burst out laughing. The man told officers that he taught Rambo to scream “Let me out!” when he was a kid and Rambo lived in a cage. PBSO officials could not be reached for more details.

While elected officials continue to point fingers at President Trump for the more than 150 hate crimes in NYC, YWN has consistently pointed out that unless young black teens have joined the #MAGA train, there is nothing further from the truth. To prove this point, journalist Ami Horowitz went out to the streets of Brooklyn to find out what’s motivating the recent anti-Semitic attacks in New York. The results in the following video are simply shocking. New Ami on the Loose video! What's motivating the recent anti-Semitic attacks in New York? We found out. Watch and share. @benshapiro @dbongino @HikindDov — Ami Horowitz (@AmiHorowitz) January 5, 2020 (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

According to the annual report by the Israel advocacy group known as Boomerang, Arab terrorists have carried out 2,370 terror attacks against Israeli inside Judea and Samaria in 2019 alone. The report states that these attacks include hurling rocks and fire-bombs at moving vehicles, setting explosive charges, vehicle ramming attacks and more. Some of these attacks have proven fatal. The data compiled by Boomerang is based on reports from seven municipalities in Judea and Samaria, which run emergency first response centers to assist civilians injured in such attacks. According to the data, 2019 saw 1,671 stone throwings, 569 firebombing incidents, 36 incidents involving pipe bombs, 81 instances of arson, 32 violent personal attacks, and 14 shootings. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Israel Police together with the Israel Security Service (Shabak) after a thorough investigation have declared that the hit-and-run incident against two Charedi men last March in Yerushalayim was actually an attempted ramming terror attack. Two Arabs were arrested after the incident and today charged with reparation as befitting a ramming and stabbing terror attack. The incident occurred last March at the Hativat Yerushalaym intersection near the Old City of Jerusalem. The police conducted an investigation at the scene and based on evidence found they arrested two suspects who were released on various conditions. The police believed that the incident was an accident, wherein the driver and a passenger exited the vehicle after the accident and beat the pedestrians who were hit.
