HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz ZATZALTens of thousands are expected to attend the levaya of HaGaon HaRav Shmaryahu Yosef Nissim Karelitz ZT”L, 93, which will begin on Tuesday, isru chag, at noon.
Tens of thousands are expected to participate in the levaya of HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz ZT”L, which is expected to begin at noon Tuesday at the intersection of Rabbi Akiva and Rosenheim Streets in Bnei Brak.

Prime Minister Netanyahu Returns Presidential Mandate After He Fails to Form a Coalition GovernmentPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday returned the presidential mandate to form a coalition government to President Reuven Rivlin after it became clear he was unable to form a coalition.

Do We or Don’t We?  Shmini Atzeres and the SukkahBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5TJT.com
One of the general differences between Litvaks (Misnagdim) and Chassidim lies in what they do on the holiday of Shmini Atzeres regarding eating in the Sukkah.
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  An AnalysisBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5TJT.com
It seems that there are a lot of people that are at a bit of a loss as to what Simchas Torah is all about. 
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Lulav versus Esrog

Lulav versus EsrogBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5TJT.com
“Daddy, Can I have your lulav and Esrog?”
The bas-Mitzvahed daughter has asked the question correctly on that first day of Sukkos. 
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Simchas Torah – An Overviewby Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5TJT.com
It seems that there are a lot of people that are at a bit of a loss as to what Simchas Torah is all about. 
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 Video At Concert in Jerusalem Makes MASSIVE Bizayon Out Of Reb Shayela KeristererA Sukkos concert in Yerushalayim is causing outrage among many people.
At the concert a popular song titled “Reb Shaya ben Reb Moshe” was sung by a popular performer.
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Trump Outstripping Obama On Pace Of Executive OrdersIt wasn’t too long ago that Donald Trump derided presidential executive orders as “power grabs” and a “basic disaster.”
He’s switched sides in a big way: In each year of his presidency, he has issued more executive orders than did former President Barack Obama during the same time span.

AOC Backs Sanders At New York Rally, Credits Him With ‘Fundamentally’ Changing PoliticsStorming past questions about his health, Bernie Sanders vowed that he’s “more ready than ever” to fight for a political revolution – with a little help from new friends – at a rally Saturday that drew thousands to a New York City park.

 Boat With Frum Family Overturns In Lake Near Monsey; Young Boy Pulled From WaterA frantic search was underway for a missing 8-year-old boy at a lake near Monsey.
Sources tell YWN that the family of 7 were on a boat in Haverstraw Bay Park, when it overturned for reasons unknown.
