Yahadut Hatorah Loses its Eighth Seat – Pindrus is Out of KnessetOnce again there is drama in the Yahadut Hatorah party, as was the case in the Knesset election in April 2019 for the 21st Knesset. The Central Election Committee (CEC) during the night announced with the final results have been tabulated and Likud has earned an additional seat, now holding at 32, one less than the Blue & White party.

 Chareidi Woman Violently Arrested in Bnei Brak For Jay-Walking [VIDEOS]A 42-year-old Bnei Brak woman was violently arrest all because of “jaywalking” on HaShomer Street in Bnei Brak.
According to multiple reports, a female police officer asked her to identify herself, the woman refused and began to run away from the officer.

MK Maklev Vehicle Hit By Taxi, Excuses Driver Of Any PaymentsMK Uri Maklev was touring the northern city of Nof HaGalil – Har Yonah (formerly Upper Nazareth) when his car was hit by a taxi. Maklev’s staffers exited the car and began taking the driver’s information and a small argument broke out.
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US Official Expects ‘Hundreds More’ Cases Of Vaping IllnessThe number of vaping-related illnesses in the U.S. could soon climb much higher, a public health official said Tuesday.
Dr. Anne Schuchat, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told a congressional subcommittee that she believes “hundreds more” lung illnesses have been reported to health authorities since last Thursday, when the CDC put the tally at 530 confirmed and probable cases.

White House To Release Rocument Showing Intel Community Watchdog Found Whistleblower Had ‘Political Bias’A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

 That Was Yelled At Female IDF Soldier Attending Rav Elbaz Slichos In YerushalayimChareidi extremists who are tenaciously opposed to IDF service, tried to oust a number of soldiers who came to participate in slichos in Yeshivat Ohr HaChaim, but their effort failed.

13-Year-Old Chareidi Youth Jumps from a Window to Avoid Jerusalem PoliceA 13-year-old chareidi boy who saw police at the entrance to his building panicked and jumped from a window, but he was caught and placed in custody. After it became clear they were after his brother, the child was released.
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Driver Guilty In High-Speed Crash That Killed Engaged Chosson Yisroel Levin Z”L & Kallah Elisheva Kaplan A”HOne of two people accused in the deaths of newly engaged couple Yisroel Levin Z”L & Elisheva Kaplan A”H, has been found guilty of assault and criminally negligent homicide – but not guilty of manslaughter.

Arab MK Tibi is Full of Praise for Terrorist Barghouti, Compares Him Shamir And BeginMK (Joint Arab List) Dr. Ahmed Tibi on Monday evening compared former prime ministers, Yitzchak Shamir and Menachem Begin to convicted master Fatah Tanzim terrorist leader Marwan Barghouti, who is serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison for his heinous acts of terror.

 Slams Open-Border Activists For ‘Evil’ Agenda, Decries Iran ‘Bloodlust’ [WATCH VIDEO]President Trump, in a fiery address Tuesday before the U.N. General Assembly, tore into open-border activists for pushing what he described as an “evil” agenda under the “cloak” of social justice, while warning Iran to abandon its confrontational course and delivering arguably his most robust defense yet of his nationalist philosophy.
