A bombshell report by Politico claims that the U.S. government concluded that Israel was most likely behind surveillance devices planted near the White House and other sensitive locations around Washington, D.C. Citing three former senior U.S. officials with knowledge of the matter, Politico reported devices capable of tracking cellphone activity had been uncovered. Politico says […]

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler says there’s no confusion about what his committee is doing: It’s an impeachment investigation, no matter how you want to phrase it. Nadler tried to clear up any misconceptions Thursday as the committee approved guidelines for impeachment hearings on President Donald Trump . Some of Nadler’s fellow Democrats — […]

Anti-Chareidi Tiveria mayor Ron Kobi announced on Sunday that he would visit Mea Shearim and Beit Shemesh as part of his provocative election campaign for his anti-religious party, the Secular Right. Last week, Kobi tried to visit Bnei Brak but was forced to leave with the accompaniment of police after a crowd of Bnei Brak […]

A blaring red alert indicating rocket fire from Gaza interrupted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s campaign event in Ashdod on Tuesday night. He was forced to stop his speech and was whisked away by a cohort of security guards to a sheltered room. The incident prompted scornful reactions from politicians on both the right and left, […]

The Supreme Court is allowing nationwide enforcement of a new Trump administration rule that prevents most Central American immigrants from seeking asylum in the United States. The justices’ order late Wednesday temporarily undoes a lower-court ruling that had blocked the new asylum policy in some states along the southern border. The policy is meant to […]

According to an Israel TV News13 report released by Arab Affairs correspondent Tzvi Yechezkeli, based on a recent MEMRI report, there is growing incitement against Jews in mosques throughout North America as has been seen in France in recent years. It is explained the alarming trend that occurred in France and other countries in Europe […]

It’s a heart-breaking bird’s eye view of New York’s darkest day. As we mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, a powerful 17-minute video taken from an NYPD helicopter on that fateful day surfaced on the Web a few years ago. Obtained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the leaked footage from inside the chopper shows the twin towers engulfed in clouds of smoke – and captures the stunned reactions of the cops when they fell. Earlier in the footage, the officers take in a panoramic view of the unfolding pandemonium – and get perilously close to the black roiling smoke. *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time.

Then a celebrity NYC real estate tycoon, Donald Trump gave an interview at Ground zero just 2 days after the terror attack on September 11, 2001. Trump described the devastation and said he had hundreds of his own workers helping with rescue efforts. *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time. Click this link – or send a message to 1-888-4-YW-NEWS (888-499-6397) – to see our status posts*****

The son of a 9/11 victim went after Rep. Ilhan Omar and “the squad” during the annual reading of the names at the 9/11 ceremonies at Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan. Nicholas Haros, Jr. was wearing a black shirt with “Some people did something” as he read out the names of victims. He ended with his mother, Frances Haros, before going into a monologue. He started with, “‘Some people did something’ said a freshman Congresswoman from Minnesota.” The comments were a reference to Rep. Omar’s statement while speaking about the Council of American-Islamic Relations being set up because “some people did something” and because of it people were losing access to civil liberties.

The “Baba Sale Congregation” in Los Angeles was the latest attack against Jews in the United States. This hate crime was committed early on 9/11. According to reports on Twitter, the perpetrators waited for congregants to enter and begin Davening, and then sprayed the graffiti, so that when they come out they should see it. “Free Palestine” was scrawled in large lettering on the building. A video posted to social media (embedded below) shows the Shul painting over the words later on Wednesday morning. The Baba Sale Congregation is located at N. Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles. Police are investigating the incident. *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time.
