Amazon’s Ring Doorbell Cameras Attract Congressional ConcernAmazon-owned doorbell camera company Ring is facing questions from a U.S. senator over its partnerships with police departments around the country.
Sen. Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat, sent a letter Thursday to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos raising privacy and civil liberty concerns about Ring cameras that are capturing and storing footage of U.S.

Massive Chareidi Campaign Rally Scheduled for Two Days Before Knesset ElectionsAs was the case in the election for 21st Knesset in April 2019, a major asifa is scheduled to take place two days before elections for 22nd Knesset, with Election Day being on Tuesday, September 17, 2019.

Palestinian women take to the streets to demand justice for Israa Ghrayeb, 21, who was allegedly murdered by her family, and to demand a reform of P.A. law to afford women greater protection. Hundreds of Arabs, predominantly women, took to the streets in Palestinian Authority-controlled areas on Wednesday to demand action following the “honor killing” […]

UTJ head Yaakov Litzman denounces Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz following Gantz’s announcement that he would seek to form a “liberal” government if given the chance. Deputy Health Minister and United Torah Judaism Party head Yaakov Litzman on railed against Blue and White Party leaders Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid on Thursday, saying […]

The owners of the dive boat where 34 people perished in a fire off Southern California filed a lawsuit Thursday to head off potentially costly litigation, a move condemned by some observers as disrespectful to the families of the dead. Truth Aquatics Inc., which owned the Conception, filed the action in U.S. District Court in […]

Will the Measles Spread Again After Mispallalim Return from Uman?Last winter a drastic increase in measles cases was documented both in Israel and the United States. According to information that was received by the Health Ministries in both Israel and the United States the disease was spread by those who contracted the disease during their stay in Rosh Hashanah in Uman visiting the gravesite of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.

 Chareidi-Hating Tiveria Mayor Ron Kobi Prevented From Entering Bnei Brak Yeshiva BochrimThe Mayor of Tiveria, Ron Kobi, came to Bnei Brak on Thursday evening in what many believe to be an attempt at provoking the locals prior to elections in a week-and-a-half.

Chareidim Targeted by Arabs Throwing Rocks Near Shar YaffoThere has been an increase in the number of attacks perpetrated against Jews walking along the promenade leading to Shar Yaffo in Jerusalem’s Old City by Palestinians. On Monday, two chareidi youths were attacked by a pair of Palestinians throwing rocks at them near Shar Yaffo.
Read more on Yeshiva World News

11-Year-Old Calls for Assistance, Saving Father’s Life – Police Tracks Location Via His Kosher Phone“Abba collapsed and he is lying on the ground. It appears he cannot move” the 11-year-old child explained to the Magen David Adom dispatcher.
A frum father and his 11-year-old son went on a hike last week near Mayan Ein Koves in northern Israel.

Jerusalem – Last week Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who was visiting Israel at the time, made a pilgrimage to the Kotel and prayed that his state should not get hit by hurricanes this year, according to a Fox News report. With the deadly Hurricane Dorian bearing down on Florida at the beginning of the week […]
