Levaya of Rabbi Aharon Chaim (Ronnie) Harari-Raful, Z”L, Son of Rosh Yeshiva of Ateret TorahYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rabbi Aharon Chaim (Ronnie) Harari-Raful, z”l, son of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ateret Torah in Brooklyn, NY.

150,000 Visitors to the Kosel Over Shabbos Chazon/Tisha B’Av Weekend [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]According to the Kosel Heritage Foundation, 150,000 people visited the Kosel over Shabbos Chazon/Tisha B’Av.
Tens of thousands of mispallalim made their way to the Kosel to mourn the destruction of the Batei Mikdash, including families and single persons.

 Six Elderly Jews Attacked While Walking To Shul In Attempted RobberiesSix elderly men were attacked while walking to Shul in the heart of Williamsburg, Monday morning.
It happened just after 6:00AM, when the suspect(s) carried out a string of what appears to be attempted robberies.
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HaGaon HaRav Edelstein Hospitalized in Mayanei HaYeshua HospitalHaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlita, 96, had been admitted to Bnei Brak’s Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital after feeling weak following the fast. According to Dr. Moti Ravid, the rav has been admitted to an intensive care unit.
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Family Missing Uman Trip Receives $11,000 In Compensation From AirlineA new ruling occurred in a small claims court in Israel on Thursday when an airline was ordered to reimburse six family members $11,000 after the family missed their scheduled flight to Uman.
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Petira Of Reb Ezriel Salomon ZTL, Brother Of Lakewood MashgiachOn Shabbos Kodesh Tisha B’av the renowned mechanech and askan Reb Ezriel Salomon Z”L, Brother of Reb Mattisyohu Salomon-Lakewood Mashgiach, was niftar.
He spent nearly 40 years of leading the chinuch in his hometown and being a trailblazer for many of his community’s activities in Gateshead, England.

 Dozens Of Jewish-Owned Cars Have Tires Slashed [VIDEOS]Dozens of tires were slashed in Lakewood in what police are calling a bias incident.
They say the suspect only slashed the car tires of Jewish residents.
Authorities say the tire-slashing spree began around 1:40AM Shabbos morning, on cars parked in front of homes.

Dramatic Footage of the Capture of Dvir Sorek’s MurderersThe IDF published on Sunday a visual record of the capture of the murderer of Dvir Sorek who was found murdered last week outside of the town of Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion.
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Moti Steinmentz Backs Out Of Concert After Court Rules That It’s ILLEGAL To Have Separate SeatingChasidic singer Moti Steinmetz backed out of a major concert by the Afula Municipality after the Nazareth District Court District Court’s Decision to refuse the allowance of separate seating at the show.

Ron Kobi Loses Appeal, City Councilors of Tevaria to Be ReinstatedFollowing the opposition of Tevaria Mayor Ron Kobi to Aryeh Deri’s re-appointment of the city council members of Tevaria, the Center for Local Government affairs issued their decision in favor of Deri.
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