Community Leaders Call For Unity Effort And Persistence In BattleLeaders of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCCC), Parents for Educational and Religious Liberty in Schools (PEARLS), Agudath Israel, and United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg (UJO) addressed members of the frum media today and urged continued vigilance and advocacy against new regulations released by the State Department of Education (SED).

Rockland Chaveirim Trains For Searches With Camp Yagilu [PHOTOS]As a follow-up to the help that Chaveirim of Rockland County offered to YAGILU last week, when one of their campers went missing while on a hiking trip, Chaveirim of Rockland County came to Camp Yagilu Wilderness for some wilderness training.

Terrorist Who Killed IDF Soldier Ronen Lubarsky H”YD Sentenced To Life ImprisonmentThe terrorist responsible for the murder of IDF soldier Ronen Lubarsky HY”D, Islam Naji, was sentenced to life imprisonment by a military court on Monday, July 22, 2019.
The Ofer Military Court sentenced Naji to life imprisonment and eight additional months for interfering in the investigation.

 Two Minivans Collide On Route 52; Serious Damage, But No Serious Inj’s [PHOTOS]Two minivans collided on Route 52 in the Catskills, Monday morning, sending 5 people to the hospital.
It happened at around 11:50AM, on Route 52 near Synagogue Road (between Woodbourne and Ellenville), when one of the vehicles pulled out of a driveway, and got hit by an oncoming vehicle.

 Anti-Semite Palestinian Rep. Rashida Tlaib Seen Dragged Out Of Trump Rally In 2016Years before Rep. Rashida Tlaib was speaking out against President Trump in Congress, she was shouting at him as Secret Service members dragged her out of a meeting at the Detroit Economic Club.

 Country-Wide Nurses Strike Set For Tuesday MorningA Country-Wide nurse strike is set to take effect at 7:00AM on Tuesday morning following the stalling of talks between the Treasury and Health Ministry and the Nurses Union. The Strike will affect all departments in all of the hospitals throughout Israel, as well as all of the public and HMO run Health Clinics.

Levaya Of HaRav Reuven Scheiner ZATZAL, Longtime Magid Shiur At Torah VodaasYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Reuven Scheiner ZATZAL, a Magid Shiur at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Flatbush for more than 50 years.
The Levaya will be held at 1:00PM at the Yeshiva, located at 425 East 9th Street in Brooklyn.

 Infant Dies After Being Left In Parked CarA six-month-old infant was R”L Niftar on Monday after he was left in a parked vehicle for a number of hours in the Green Park neighborhood of Modi’in Illit.
United Hatzalah and MDA rushed to the scene and began CPR along with advanced life support measures and the child was transported to a hospital in critical condition, where he was pronounced dead R”L.

Rav Amnon Yitzchak Claims He Is Receiving Death ThreatsRav Amnon Yitzchak claims to have received death threats and feels in danger.
Speaking with Leon Rosenberg of Keshet12, the Rav Yitzchak maintains “There are death threats including letters containing a pistol.
Read more on Yeshiva World News

BUILD THAT WALL! Trump Has Not Built A SINGLE Mile Of New Border FenceThe Trump administration has not installed a single mile of new wall in a previously fenceless part of the U.S.-Mexico border in the 30 months since President Trump assumed office, despite his campaign promise to construct a “big beautiful wall.”
In a statement last week, U.S.
