Emergency Message From Flatbush Hatzolah Ahead Of Dangerous HeatwaveThe weather service is forecasting a heat wave for the next few days. As of now, the worst two days, will be Shabbos & Sunday. We appeal to everyone that is here in the city to stay indoors as much as possible and to keep the air conditioners running.

 Hasidic Man Sues McDonald’s; Was Told To Shave Beard To Get JobThis past Wednesday, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit against the owners of a McDonald’s restaurant near Orlando, claiming managers violated a Hasidic man’s rights.
The EEOC is the Federal agency charged with ensuring that discrimination does not take place in the workplace.

PM Netanyahu Will Break Ben-Gurion’s Record This Shabbos As Longest Serving PM4,875 is the number of days that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has served in office, the same number served as prime minister by David Ben-Gurion – This Shabbos, Mr. Netanyahu will break that record, a historic record that was held by Ben-Gurion since the creation of the state
According to Dr.

 Anti-Kaparos Article In California Gets Published In JulyThe following is an unedited article via The San Diego Union Tribune:
In a parking lot behind a Pico Boulevard building, inside a makeshift tent of metal poles and tarps, a man in a white coat and black skullcap grabs a white-feathered hen under the wings and performs an ancient ritual.

 Why Do Camp Rabbeyim Get Paid So Little?Dear fellow brother,
I was shocked and horrified when I found out that my sons camp is paying their Rebbeim the same salary as they were 35 years ago.
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Over 1,500 Families Condemn Minister Peretz’s “Bowing To The Toeiva Community”Over 1,500 families signed a letter and decried the explanations and corrections issued this week by Education Minister Rabbi Rafi Peretz, as they view his actions as “bowing to the toeiva community”.
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 Thefts Of Expensive High-End Vehicles Continue [Ferrari’s, Porsche’s, Bentley’s]The Deal NJ community is on edge, after many high-end vehicle were stolen recently, with the rash of thefts continuing.
As YWN reported at the end of June, expensive vehicles were stolen, including a Porsche SUV, a Range Rover an an Audi.

 French Judge Rules Muslim Man Who Killed Chareidi Woman Not Responsible “Because He Smoked Weed”The French Jewish community on Wednesday expressed anger over the court’s decision regarding the murder of Sarah Halimi HY”D, stating the defendant, a Muslim who was screaming Allah Akbar, was not responsible for his actions because he was smoking cannabis.

 Says He’s Not Happy ‘SEND HER BACK’ ChantPresident Donald Trump said Thursday he was unhappy with his supporters chanting “send her back” after he assailed a young Democratic congresswoman who he’s suggested should leave the U.S.
Speaking in the Oval Office, Trump claimed he tried to stop the chant, which came after he recited a litany of complaints about Rep.

 A Halachic Analysis(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5TJT.com)
Recently, YWN reported that more than a dozen rabbis from the city of Elad near Tel Aviv issued an edict forbidding all dogs.
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