Calls For Investigations After Power Restored In ManhattanA Manhattan power outage that temporarily turned off the bright lights of the big city only lasted for a few hours, but left plenty of lingering questions and calls for investigations on Sunday.
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 Sephardi Rabbonim Ban Dogs In EladAll the Sephardi rabbonim in Elad, including the city’s chief rabbi, HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Malka Shlita, last month signed a psak halacha barring residents from having dogs.
According to the BeChadrei Chareidim report, the psak, accepted by the sephardi rabbonim in the city, cites all dogs are bad, and of late, the rabbonim have noticed there is a growing population of dogs in the city.

 Body Of Rabbi Reuven Bauman Z”L Has Been Found By Misaskim BoatHighly credible sources have just confirmed to YWN that the body of Rav Reuven Bauman Z”L who heroically jumped into the ocean to save a student, has been found. He was located at around 1:00PM by a boat of volunteers from Misaskim of Maryland searching off the coast of North Carolina, and positively identified by authorities.

Leaked UK Memo Says Trump Axed Iran Deal To Spite ObamaA U.K. newspaper published more leaked memos from Britain’s ambassador in Washington on Sunday, despite a police warning that doing so might be a crime.
In one 2018 cable published by the Mail on Sunday, U.K.
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 Trump Tells Liberal Dem Women They Should Leave The USPresident Donald Trump on Sunday assailed a group of Democratic congresswomen of color as foreign-born troublemakers who should go back to the “broken and crime infested places from which they came,” ignoring the fact that the women are American citizens and all but one was born in the U.S.

 ICE Deportation Raids Underway In NYC, ‘Number Of Jurisdictions’A nationwide crackdown to apprehend thousands of illegal immigrants across the country began late Saturday in the nation’s largest city and several other places, according to an official.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) resumed its previously announced plan to apprehend thousands of illegal immigrants who’ve been given orders to leave the country, targeting people in at least 10 cities.

Confirmed Measles Exposure At Bungalow Colony In MonticelloThere have been a few measles cases in Sullivan County the past few weeks, YWN has confirmed. One of them was a confirmed exposure at Nachlei Emunah Bungalow Colony on Joyland Road.
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 Israel Threatens ‘Crushing’ Response To Any Hezbollah Strike Following New ThreatsIsrael’s prime minister says it will deliver a “crushing” strike against Hezbollah if the Lebanese militant group attempts to attack.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reacting to comments made by Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

 Search Continues For Rabbi Reuven BaumanThe following are the latest YWN updates on Sunday morning (10:00AM) from the ongoing search in Virginia for Rabbi Reuven Bauman.
Unfortunately, over Shabbos, the body of Rabbi Reuven Bauman was not located.
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 Home On Glen Wild Road Destroyed In Early Morning Blaze [VIDEO & PHOTOS]An early-morning fire left a home destroyed in the town of Woodridge.
The fire started just after 2:00AM at 1010 Glen Wild Road, next door to the Skver Camp.
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