Trump, In Tussle With CNN, Suggests Boycott Of Parent AT&TPresident Donald Trump took to Twitter on Monday to reiterate his complaints about CNN and suggest a boycott of its parent company, AT&T.
Soon after his arrival in London for a pomp-filled state visit to Britain, Trump tweeted that CNN is his chief source of such reports but that “after watching it for a short while, I turned it off.

Psychotic Girl Throws Items Out Of High-Rise Jerusalem Apartment [INSANE FOOTAGE]A psychotic girl trashed her Jerussalem home and the street below, Monday afternoon.
The girl began throwing every item she could grab out of their 5th floor apartment.
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 Wild Ending To A Police Chase In DetroitMichigan State Police and Detroit police took a man into custody following a wild chase through southwest Detroit on Monday afternoon.
The chase started around 2:30 p.m. on I-75 and police chased the vehicle on and off the highway.
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William Handler Set To Make Another Chillul Hashem At Anti-Vaxxer Event In FlatbushJust a few weeks ago, William Handler and the anti-vaxxer cult made national headlines along with a colossal Chillul Hashem at a “vaccine symposium” held in Rockland County. We can expect that to happen again, as a large event is planned for Tuesday night at Ateres Chynka Hall in Flatbush.

 Two NYPD Officers Brawl On A City StreetThis is not something you see every day.
Two of NYC’s Finest were captured on this dashcam footage brawling on a New York City Street.
Another officer is seen trying to pull the two apart.
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 Brooklyn Rabbonim Energized to Take Part in Worldwide Wave of Learning in Preparation for the Siyum HashasExcitement continues to build at an exponential pace for the 13th Global Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi, an event that has galvanized the Torah community throughout the world.

Hebrew U Prof. Calls Pro-Israel Activists “Nazi Dogs,” Threatens To Prevent Them From Getting Accepted Into Advanced DegreesProfessor Amiram Goldblum, a senior lecturer at Hebrew University, called student activists from the pro-Israel Im Tirtzu organization “Nazi dogs” and threatened to prevent them from getting accepted into advanced degrees, Makor Rishon newspaper reported.

TECHIYAS HAMEISIM? Top North Korean Official Reappears Days After Purge ReportA senior North Korean official who had been reported to be sentenced to hard labor over the failed nuclear summit with Washington was shown in state media on Monday enjoying a concert near leader Kim Jong Un.
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Netanyahu Says Israel Will Not Become “Halachic State” After Smotrich Says Israel Should Be Run According To TorahPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted that “Israel will not become a Halachic state,” on Monday, rejecting remarks made by MK (URWP) Bezalel Smotrich who called for the justice system to adhere to Halacha.

 Imam Tawhidi’s Happy Jerusalem Day Message “To Its Lawful Owners And Chosen Children”Israel got backing from a pro-Israel Imam Mohamad Tawhidi on Jerusalem Day.
“We build a Mosque on top of their Solomon’s Temple, yet they’re the invaders. Explain how that makes any sense,” he tweeted.
