Iran Warns It Will Breach Nuclear Deal In 10 DaysIran will break the uranium stockpile limit set by Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers in the next 10 days, the spokesman for the country’s atomic agency said Monday while also warning that Iran could enrich uranium up to 20% – just a step away from weapons-grade levels.
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 Trump Throws Chief Of Staff Out Of Oval Office For Coughing During TV InterviewPresident Trump was apparently so perturbed by his chief of staff coughing during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in the Oval Office last week, that he asked his staffer to leave the room, according to a transcript from the station.

RECOVERED! Stolen Bnei Brak Sifrei Torah Found in Shomron; Suspects ArrestedLast Tuesday YWN reported that a Shul in Bnei Brak had been vandalized and that numerous Sifrei Torah had been stolen from the Aron Kodesh which is built with an internal safe.
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The Miracle In The Sderot Yeshiva Surrounding Last Week’s Rocket AttackHaRav Shlomo Binyamini is the Rosh Yeshiva in the yeshiva hit last week by rocket fire from Gaza, explaining the events as they occurred were nothing less than a miracle.
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Hunt For Cause Of Massive South America Power Outage BeginsAs lights turned back on across Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay after a massive blackout that hit tens of millions people, authorities were still largely in the dark about what caused the collapse of the interconnected grid and were tallying the damage from the unforeseen disaster.

Alan Dershowitz Siyum Sefer Torah [VIDEO AND PHOTOS]On Thursday, Yud Sivan, hundreds of men, women, and children filled the streets of Crown Heights to welcome a new Torah home. Each step that they took to accompany the Sefer Torah was also a show of support for Professor Alan Dershowitz, a man who is dedicated to the pursuit of justice.
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Three Chareidi Women Detained Outside The Jerusalem Induction Center [VIDEO & PHOTOS]Three chareidi women were detained by police on Sunday morning at the entrance to the IDF Jerusalem Induction Center on Rashi Street.
The women are members of an organization combating the induction of women into he IDF.

Summer Camp Is Newest Front In Battle With Measles OutbreakThe battle to contain the worst U.S. measles outbreak in 27 years has a new front: summer camp.
Vaccinations have been made mandatory this summer for campers and staff in several counties north of New York City that annually fill up with kids from the Orthodox Jewish communities that have been hit hardest by measles.

TOEIVA FAMILY IN THE WHITE HOUSE? Buttigieg Says ‘Why Not’ Start A First Family In White House?Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg wants to start a family with his husband, Chasten, and says that could happen if he’s in the White House.
“I don’t see why not,” the South Bend, Indiana, mayor says in a Father’s Day television interview that also marked his one-year wedding anniversary.

Important Message From Catskills Hatzoloh Ahead of Summer 2019As the summer of 2019 begins, Catskills Hatzolah is finalizing location updates to their computer dispatch system for this year. If anyone is aware of any inaccuracies or any changes that have occurred since last summer, either new camps and colonies or name changes they should be notified as soon as possible.
