Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky Visits Yerushalayim On Thursday [LARGE PHOTO GALLERY]HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky arrived Thursday for a special visit to Yerushalayim and to the Kosel, as he does each year in the days immediately after Shavuos.
Prior to arriving at the Kosel, he visited the three story Sukkas Dovid Yeshiva Ketana which was founded by Rav Menachem Batzri zt”l.

 Public Servants In Quebec Will No Longer Be Allowed To Wear Religious GarmentsIt is called “Bill 21,” and if this proposed law passes – which it likely will, it will ban all public servants from wearing religious garments and icons while performing their public duties.
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Levaya Of Habochur Yochi Ruby Z”LYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Yochi Rubi Z”L. He was a few weeks shy of his 25th birthday.
Yochi lived in Boro Park and moved to Lakewood a few years ago.
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 Anti Vaxxers Aren’t The Only Ones Who Lost Today‎To better understand who and what the broader Jewish community has been up against in the vaccination civil war against measles, one only had to look at those gathered in the NYS Assembly gallery on Thursday. 
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 Monsey Cheder Children Pay Respects To Late Fire Chief [PHOTOS]Hundreds of Monsey Yeshiva students line the streets to pay last respects to the late Monsey Fire Dept Chief Richard Lagarde on Tuesday.
Lagarde served the Monsey community for 47 years.
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 HaRav Shmuel Kaminetzky Joins Lakewood’s Senior Posek & Pediatrician To Warn About Sexual Abuse In CampIn an unprecedented move, Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Kaminetzky has joined together with the senior Lakewood Posek and Pediatrician to warn about the dangers of sexual abuse over the summer.
As was done last summer for the first time, HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Forscheimer, senior Posek at Lakewood’s Beis Medrash Govoah, Dr.

TWO MORE Satmar Williamsburg Yeshivas Closed By Health Department Due To MeaslesThe Health Department announced today that it has closed two schools in Williamsburg for failing to comply with an Order of the Health Commissioner in response to the current measles outbreak.
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ALERT – Missionaries Dumping Material All Over FlatbushMissionaries are delivering material to homes all around Flatbush on Thursday. Please warn your children, and dispose of this garbage immediately.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is Leaving The White House At End Of The MonthWhite House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will leave the job at the end of the month, President Donald Trump said Thursday.
In a pair of tweets, the president said Sanders will return to her home state of Arkansas.
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 New York Set To Cut Religious Exemption To Vaccine MandatesNew York lawmakers are poised Thursday to eliminate a religious exemption to vaccine requirements in the face of its worst measles outbreak in decades.
The Democrat-led Senate and Assembly planned to vote on repealing the exemption, which allows parents of children to cite their religious beliefs to opt a child out of the vaccines required for public school enrollment.
