Three Children Drowned In Israel Since ShabbosTwo children downed in northern Israel with one listed in moderate condition and the second critical.
On Shabbos afternoon, at 4:50PM, MDA received a call for a toddler who drowned in a private home.
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Helicopter Crashes On Roof Of NYC Skyscraper, Killing Pilot [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]A helicopter crashed on the roof of a rain-shrouded midtown Manhattan skyscraper Monday, killing the pilot and briefly triggering memories of 9/11, after an erratic trip across some of the nation’s most restricted airspace.
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 Israel’s Mekubal “The Chalban” is in Serious ConditionHaRav Chaim Cohen of Tel Aviv, known as “The Chalban”, passed out over Shabbos and was transported to the hospital while intubated and sedated. Persons close to him are calling on Am Yisrael to be mispallel on his behalf.
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E HaGaon  Rav Nosson Kamenetzky ZATZALHaGaon Rav Nosson Kamenetzky ZT”L, son of HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Kamenetzky ZT”L, one of the Gedolei Hador of the previous generation in the United States, was niftar in Yerushalayim on Shabbos.
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HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Ben-Shimon Collapsed During Limud on ShavuosAmbulances were summoned on Shavuos to Beit Knesset N’vei Yitzchak in Bnei Brak after HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Ben-Shimon collapsed and went into cardiac arrest during limud.
Hatzolah members from Bnei Brak responded along with the gentile ambulance driver, arriving at the beis medrash and they began CPR.

Israeli Naval Commandos Take Over a VesselAfter a Turkish citizen was arrested on suspicion of attempting to set fire to a ship off the Haifa coast, the IDF published a report of the takeover of the ship by the naval commandos, which led to his arrest and his being taken for questioning by the police.
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 Power Outage Melts Everything At “Ice Cream House” In WilliamsburgDue to an overnight power outage, everything melted at the Williamsburg “Ice Cream House”.
The loss is estimated in the tens of thousands of dollars. Hundreds of ice cream cakes designed for Shavuos are melted.

 Incredible Uplifting Erev Shavuos 5779 With Song & Dance With Rav Ephraim Wachsman in CedarhurstAs is done every year, HaRav Ephraim Wachsman joins HaRav Dovid Spiegel and the Bais Medrash of Cedarhurst, with an incredibly uplifting song preparing the Kehilla for Kabolas Hatorah.
The entire crowd breaks out in singing and dancing following the inspiring words delivered by Rav Wachsman.

 Erev Shavuos, A Time For HealingFrom the YWN archives:
In one of his shiurim, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein explained that his father-in-law, Maran HaGaon Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZATZAL would on erev Shavuos visit the sick, remembering that we learn that prior to giving Bnei Yisrael the Torah on Shavuos, Hashem healed all the sick, including the blind, deaf and mute – all were healed.

US Commander Says He Believes Iran Threat Still ‘Very Real’Iran has chosen to “step back and recalculate” after making preparations for an apparent attack against U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf region, but it is too early to conclude the threat is gone, the top commander of American forces in the Mideast said.
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