Police Responding To A Call In Meah Shearim Come Under Attack(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
Police on Tuesday night were summoned to Meah Shearim, receiving a report of a break-in.
When the police vehicle entered the neighborhood, it came under attack.
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Man Arrested For Making “Serious” Threats Against Ben Shapiro & His FamilyA man was arrested in Washington on Wednesday after reportedly making death threats against conservative talk show host Ben Shapiro.
Shapiro told Fox News he couldn’t comment on pending legal proceedings but confirmed the situation, as reported by TMZ, on Twitter, thanking law enforcement “for their quick and hard work here.”

Kaliver Rebbe’s ZT”L Precious Snuff Box Stolen And Returned [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]As Kaliver Chassidim deal with the recent petira of the rebbe ZT”L, senior officials in the chassidus were compelled to deal with a most unpleasant reality, the theft of the rebbe’s snuff box that he used for decades.

 Muslims Target Home with Mezuzah in France & Severely Beat Chareidi ManPolice in Seine-Saint-Denis, a suburb of Paris, France, are investigating a violent robbery and attack last Monday of a Jewish family. The four attackers were Muslim, and the victim says they targeted his home because he was Jewish.

 Orlando Pesach Program Guest Responds to the Reported FiascoThe following is an unedited response to a YWN article published on Chol Hamoed, detailing a fiasco at the “A Different Pesach Program” in Orlando.
Alan Sakowitz, a guest at the program, writes it was “one of the best Pesachs ever”.

 53 Pounds Of Marijuana Found Growing Inside Bnei Brak ApartmentA major drug bust took place today in Bnei Brak, when police discovered 108 marijuana plants growing inside a private apartment in the Chareidi city. Following special intelligence gathered and an ensuing investigation, police arrived at the apartment and arrested a 30-year-old suspect, who is married with three children.

Jason Greenblatt Visits Chabad Of Poway, Is Menachem Avel Family Of Lori Kay HY”D [PHOTOS]Assistant to President Trump, Jason D. Greenblatt travelled to Poway, California, Wednesday. Greenblatt went on behalf of the Trump Administration, and to relay their heartfelt sorrow for Poway’s loss, following the horrific shooting attack this past Shabbos at the Chabad House in Poway.

 Bernie Sanders’ Adviser Enraged By Video of US Amb. Freidman Asking Rav Povarsky For Bracha For Trump’s Re-ElectionA Bernie Sanders’ adviser was enraged by a video of US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman asking Hagaon HaRav Berel Povarsky for a Bracha for President Donald Trump’s re-election.
Matt Duss, a foreign policy adviser for the Jewish Senator from Vermont, took exception to the video which was recently posted to Twitter.

 A History(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5TJT.com)
Those who grew up in the nineteen fifties remember it well. The fear throughout the country was palpable. True, polio epidemics had been in the United States since 1894, but the epidemic was never so virulent.
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WikiLeaks’ Assange Gets 50 Weeks In Prison For Bail-JumpingA British judge sentenced WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday to 50 weeks in prison for skipping bail seven years ago and holing up in the Ecuadorian embassy.
Judge Deborah Taylor said it was hard to imagine a more serious version of the offense as she gave the 47-year-old hacker a sentence close to the maximum of a year in custody.
