Local Yeshiva Bochurim Tovel 6000 Glasses From “Sands Wedding Hall” In Atlantic Ocean(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times)
There is an organization called the “Coney Island Polar Bear Club” where members take a plunge into the freezing cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean in order to raise funds for local non-profits.

 Five Alarm Blaze Tears Through Sushi Store On Flatbush Ave [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]A five-alarm fire ripped through a sushi restaurant and medical office in Marine Park, Brooklyn.
The fire broke out in the restaurant on Flatbush Avenue near Quentin Road just before 6:30 a.m.
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 Tiveria Mayor Ron Kobi Continues Bad-Mouthing The Chareidi TziburTiveria Mayor Ron Kobi began his Monday angrily, as is his norm. He used Facebook, broadcasting live, accusing the chareidim, who comprise 22% of the city, of “barely” paying arnona property tax and making the city filthy.

Update On Individual Wanted In FlatbushYWN recently published an alert regarding a suspicious person that allegedly inappropriately touched multiple women on Flatbush streets. YWN asked residents to call 911 and Flatbush Shomrim if they see this individual.
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 Free Bain Hazmanim Kumzits TonightThere will be a free Kumzitz event tonight at Lake Terrace Hall in Lakewood, NJ. Free admission for all bochurim. Decorum will be strictly enforced. Featuring Beri Weber, Zemiros Choir, Uri Davidi, Yossi Shtendig Productions.
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THERE WILL BE A MINYAN! Rav Kanievsky Questioned Why Not Ten Seats Instead of Eight? [WATCH THE VIDEO]On last Thursday, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita tested sixth graders. After the bechina, Rav Kanievsky gave his bracha to Yahadut Hatorah which at the time, was fighting for its eighth seat in Knesset which was hanging in the air.

 Parents Who Choose Yeshiva, Are “CONSCRIPTING THEIR VOICELESS CHILDREN”!As YWN readers are aware, there was a court hearing yesterday on the yeshiva’s and other private school’s request for a injunction of the new State Education Department guidelines.
While the judge did not issue a ruling from the bench, yesterday’s hearing made it absolutely clear why an injunction is necessary, and why we can not allow the State to control our mosdos hatorah.

 Over FIVE HUNDRED Doctors Serving Jewish Communities Across North America Say “VACCINATE”!In what can only be described as unprecedented, over five hundred doctors representing numerous Jewish communities across North America , signed a letter confirming the need for all children and healthy adults to get immunized according to the CDC schedule.

Jerusalem Mayor Leon Visits Geula Neighborhood; Confronted Over Filth In Area [PHOTOS]Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon on Tuesday morning visited the Geula area of the capital, escorted by Deputy Mayor Yossi Deutsch and a team of city officials, most from the sanitation department.

Arrest Made In The Violent Assault Against Argentina’s Chief RabbiThe leader of the gang which attacked Argentina’s Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Gabriel Davidovich, was arrested Tuesday night by the local police.
Together with the leader of the gang, known as Koko, two other suspects were arrested who are suspected of being accomplices in the robbery and violent assault.
