In his new book 'The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse,' Antonio Pagliarulo gives a practical overview of one of history's most durable forces

Story set for modern-day version; 'Everyone knows what it feels like to be the underdog, the outsider,' producer says. 'Jewish stories tackle these ideas with humor and drama'

'Made for Each Other,' written by Israeli-American screenwriter Adi Blotman, centers around a mystical 16th-century folktale, with a 21st-century twist

While many Jews relegate the supernatural beings to the Christian realm, Prof. Mika Ahuvia reveals a deep cultural and religious connection in a new book

Far from rejecting magic practitioners, Judaism -- or at least Kabbalistic strands of it -- has long embraced them. But these aren't the pagan dark arts associated with Halloween